Festive Chicken, Fruit and Peek' Salad


- 1 chicken breast (grilled and cut into strips)

- 1 romaine lettuce (disinfected and chopped)

- 1 cup blueberries (dried or fresh, according to your preference)

- 1 cup cherry tomatoes (disinfected and cut in half)

- 2 mandarin oranges (peeled and cut into wedges)

- 1 cup fresh mushrooms (disinfected and cut in slices)

- 1 yellow bell bell pepper (diced)

-Peek' sauce or Peek' fried habanero peppers




Festive Chicken, Fruit and Peek' Salad


1. Prepare the chicken: Grill the chicken breast until well done. Let it cool slightly and then cut it into thin strips.
2. Prepare the lettuce: Wash, disinfect and dry the romaine lettuce leaves well, and then cut or chop them to the size of your preference. Place the leaves in a large salad bowl.
3. Add the cherry tomatoes and mushrooms: Add halved cherry tomatoes  and sliced fresh mushrooms to the salad bowl.
4. Incorporate the yellow bell pepper: Add the yellow bell pepper squares to the mixture in the salad bowl.
5. Include the fruits: Add the cranberries and tangerine segments to the salad bowl.
6. Add the chicken: Place the grilled chicken strips on top of the salad.
7. Mix well: Gently toss all the ingredients to make sure they are well distributed.
8. Dress to taste: You can use a light dressing, such as orange vinaigrette or a honey mustard dressing, to complement the freshness of the salad.
9. Serve and enjoy: Serve the salad immediately to take advantage of its freshness - enjoy a colorful, nutritious and delicious salad!
10. Finally, add a small bowl of Peek' sauce to dress the chicken with a rich spiciness. Take this salad to another level with Peek'.

 I hope you enjoy preparing and tasting this Festive Chicken, Fruit and Peek' Salad!